Simplified dealmaking | Supplying | Royal FloraHolland skip_content_text
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Simplified dealmaking

Easy trading starts with growers and buyers finding each other quickly. Do international business easily on our digital platform Floriday and our physical hubs.

Floriculture marketplace today

Every day, growers and buyers meet digitally and physically on the biggest international floriculture marketplace in the world. Together with you, the grower, we offer the widest and deepest assortment of flowers and plants. Selling at auction, through Auction Presales or directly? We make it possible with Floriday and our physical hubs.

The floriculture marketplace of tomorrow

The buying and selling of flowers and plants is constantly evolving. Digitisation and internationalisation are changing the way business is done. We are therefore continuing to invest in innovating the sales options on Floriday. Optimal pricing at the lowest possible costs is the primary goal.


Simplified dealmaking with Floriday

Plant nursery Piet Vijverberg in Monster is always busy automating and digitising its production and processes. Alex and Jeroen give you an insight into their day-to-day work and show how digitisation is making their lives easier.
Floriday Laura van der List 11

Discover Floriday

Buying and selling flowers and plants from one place. Handle all your commercial processes easily from now on. Work online or connected through your own software package.

Sell how you want

Every grower’s operational management differs. You naturally want to sell your flowers or plants at the lowest possible costs and the best possible price. We support you in a way that suits you. You always have a 100% payment guarantee in any case.

Accurate supply information is

Buyers want assurance that they will receive what you promise. So invest in the quality of your supply information and ensure that it is complete. We would be delighted to help you get everything in order. The Quality Index (QI) shows buyers how reliable your supply information is.

Follow market developments

If you have a better understanding of the market, you increase your chances of achieving more profit or higher margins. We offer you insights that help you in your day-to-day sales and give you access to all kinds of knowledge about current trends in floriculture, sales figures, future expectations, and overall market developments.

Your business, our support

We help you do smart business. Stay up to date with all market developments, request commercial advice or subscribe to our market data dashboards. Choose a service you want to know more about.

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Want to sell through our floriculture marketplace?

Would you also like to sell your flowers or plants on the Royal FloraHolland platform? Become a member of our cooperative or choose to offer your products without membership. Of course, membership offers you all kinds of benefits. We would be delighted to tell you more about it.

Royal FloraHolland, the cooperative

Together we excel in floriculture. For over a hundred years, growers have joined forces in the Royal FloraHolland cooperative. Becoming a member offers you all kinds of benefits. Because every grower is different, there are four member packs.


View the current rates for our services and cooperative membership.