Sanction policy for auction trolleys… | Royal FloraHolland skip_content_text

Sanction policy for logistic supplies

Royal FloraHolland uses a management system in the form of lock plates for its auction trolleys. This system means that every trolley taken from the auction site must always be fitted with a correctly attached and closed lock plate.

Royal FloraHolland has a straightforward sanction policy when it comes to the improper use of our logistic supplies. The aim is to make these resources as widely available as possible to our business partners, who can then make use of them when trading flowers and/or plants through Royal FloraHolland's sales channels.

To ensure everything runs smoothly, we keep an eye on the proper use of our packaging units, auction trolleys, shelves and the CC material we commission. For example, we check dates and scans and also carry out physical inspections. These take place both at our auction hubs and our business partners' premises. We also monitor market places/locations at home and abroad wherever our logistic supplies go and customers use them.

Monitoring of use of logistic supplies

So we may ask you how you use our logistic supplies. We may give you a call or drop by. Under our rules of play, which can be found in the applicable General Terms and Conditions, you are obliged to cooperate in these investigations. Please also consult the Royal FloraHolland Auction Regulations.

Fortunately, in the majority of cases we examine, everything is fine, and there is an explanation for any deviation we find. However, sometimes rules are broken. We then apply our sanction policy to prevent this from happening again.

Trolleys are essential for all of us

Trolleys are important and indispensable load carriers for the entire floriculture chain. That is why we are so careful with them. Every trolley we cannot use in the supply chain is one too many.

Our Mobile Control Team checks the correct use of our trolleys. The more eyes watching us, the more we see. This is how we watch over these valuable trolleys together.

When is a trolley used correctly?

A lock plate should be clicked onto a trolley as soon as it leaves the auction buildings and/or when the trolley is placed in a vehicle on the auction site. So also when the trolley is parked in a truck at a dock.
Trolleys without lock plate allowedTrolleys without lock plate not allowed
Inside the auction buildings of Royal FloraHolland, Plantion and VRMOutside the auction buildings of Royal FloraHolland, Plantion and VRM
In vehicles (also on Royal FloraHolland, VRM and Plantion sites)
See a trolley without a lock plate that meets the above criteria? Let us know and we will take immediate action. You can reach us at M +31 625 237 012 or E Or use the form below if you want to pass on a tip (anonymously):

Sanction policy

Mistakes are easy to make. In such cases, we look at whether sanctioning is needed. The idea behind our sanction policy is simple: any sanction depends on the severity of the infringement and whether you have broken the rules before. The more serious the infringement, and the more often you commit it, determines whether you get a warning or a fine, be it conditional or otherwise. All types of logistic supplies are different, and there are many rules that can be broken. Although our approach is always the same, it can still lead to different sanctions. This depends on the type of logistic supplies and the nature of the infringement.

We also always keep an eye on whether a level playing field is being maintained. Everyone using our logistic supplies pays a fixed fee. No one should derive any financial benefit from infringements in relation to other users, who do pay. Which is why, if you have benefited from something, we will always charge you for it (for example: rental income).

The purpose of the above is to briefly inform you of our sanction policy in relation to logistic supplies. You may not derive any rights from the content of this post. Royal FloraHolland therefore expressly refers to the applicable General Terms and Conditions.