Royal FloraHolland examines impact approved EU packaging legislation
June 5, 2024
On 24 April 2024, the European Parliament officially adopted the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). The PPWR is an integral part of the Green Deal and brings significant changes to both the use of packaging and also packaging waste. The PPWR sets requirements and guidelines from 2030 with the purpose of reducing the environmental impact of packaging. What does this mean for the floriculture sector and therefore for you?
A healthy planet is necessary for the future of all of us. EU countries have committed to be climate neutral by 2050 at the latest, in line with the commitments in the Paris Climate Agreement. The Green Deal is the strategy by which the EU intends to achieve the purpose step by step.Purpose PPWR
The PPWR consists of two parts:
1. Requirements to be met by the packaging.
2. Guidelines to prevent packaging waste.
These two parts pursue multiple purposes such as reducing the amount of packaging, preventing packaging waste, increasing packaging reuse and ensuring high-quality recycling.
Impact PPWR on floriculture sector
The PPWR contains complex regulations on, among other things, new requirements on sustainability, recyclability, minimum commitment of recycled materials (recyclate), the use of bio-based and compostable materials and reusable packaging. So it certainly affects the flower and plant sector. To determine the exact impact, we are now carrying out an in-depth analysis and interpretation to accurately map the impact of the PPWR. More information will follow as soon as we have clarity on this (expected next summer period).
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