Orderpicken | Royal FloraHolland skip_content_text


Logistics that keeps pace with you

We are redesigning our logistics, working uniformly at all hubs. Step by step we are moving from distributing to order picking and to supply (or to deliver) in time slots. Buyers will have more influence in determining the delivery time of their purchased products. For growers, supply will become even easier and more efficient because the possibilities for cleverly combining lots will increase.

Select Delivery
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Implementation of order picking

Behind the scenes, we adapt our logistics processes and IT while the store remains open. Carefulness is paramount: we experience, learn and optimize before taking the next step. Even in times of change, reliable service is paramount: we go out of our way to ensure that buyers get their products supplied (or to deliver) on time.

How does orderpicking work?

Benefits for buyers

Thanks to order picking, we are moving to time slot delivery, which brings the following benefits for you as a buyer:
  • Determine your own delivery time with Select Delivery
  • Delivery time of your trade is known
  • Schedule your employees more efficiently
  • Diversification of your trade
  • You save space
  • The carts are fuller

Stories by and for buyers

Hanszwaan bewerkt

'Thanks to time slot delivery, my customers can plan better' - Hans Zwaan of Gélé Purchasing BV

In the new delivery dynamic, we use time slot delivery. Diana van Hooft, sales specialist Logistic Services at Royal FloraHolland, explains the opportunities. We also ask Hans Zwaan of Gélé Inkoop BV about his experiences in practice.

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'The flexibility of Select Delivery saves us costs' - Alex van Duyn of Lion Fleurex

With Select Delivery, you as a buyer have more and more options to determine the delivery time. You can now even decide per day and per copper plate whether to activate a time slot. Alex van Duyn of Lion Fleurex recently started using this as well: 'For one of our copper plates we use Select Delivery and that for two days in the week. That flexibility is convenient and costs.'

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Danny FM Group2

'Better spread in supply (or to deliver) helps FM Group tremendously with predictability' - Danny van Bergen of FM Group

The fact that buyers can increasingly decide when to have their trade delivered ensures better distribution. This allows them to better predict the time of supply (or to deliver). Danny van Bergen Henegouwen, purchasing director of cut flowers at FM Group*, is positive about this development. 'It helps us tremendously.'

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Benefits for growers.

Thanks to order picking, we move to time slot delivery, which brings the following benefits for you as a grower:
  • A fair auction order
  • Multiple auction groups on one (auction) trolley

Stories by and for growers

Bert Middelkoop

'Multiple auction groups on one trolley saves us a lot of costs' - Bert Middelkoop of Zuurbier Roses

Behind the scenes, we are adapting our logistics processes and IT. Where we have switched to the logistical process of order picking (Naaldwijk flowers, Rijnsburg and Eelde), new possibilities are also arising for growers that make supplying simpler and more efficient. For example, it is now possible to place several auction groups on one trolley. How does that work and what advantages does it offer? Auctioneer Ruud van der Hout and Bert Middelkoop of Zuurbier Roses (photo) share their experiences.

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'You have the same chance every time' - Simon Vermeer of Leekade Nursery

With the transition to the order picking system, we are moving more and more toward one way of lotting. At the hubs where we pick orders, the auction order no longer depends on the logistics set-up. This allows us to determine the auction order in a more fair way: through random grower lots (per administration number). How does it work exactly? Léon Haasbroek, Manager Operations Dealmaking at Royal FloraHolland and Simon Vermeer of Leekade Nursery explain.

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