Tracking & tracing | Royal FloraHolland skip_content_text

Tracking & tracing

With Tracking & tracing, you and your customers can follow your products, and you will know whether your products have arrived at the auction in Aalsmeer or Naaldwijk. Or that your products are on their way to your customer's box. You can keep an eye on the process, and your customers can plan their handling and transport better.

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Your benefits

  • You can check the status of your order faster.
  • You can estimate when your products will arrive in your customer's box.
  • Your customers can plan their handling and transport better.

What does it cost?

Tracking & tracing is a free extra option of the Connect logistics service in Naaldwijk, Aalsmeer and Rijnsburg

How does it work?

Are your products delivered via Connect logistics in Aalsmeer or Naaldwijk? Then you can see precisely where each order is: arrived at the dock, on its way to your customer's box, or delivered to your customer. Naturally, we treat the available information confidentially. You can see only the lots that apply to you.