Collecting and returning CC containers | Royal FloraHolland skip_content_text

Collecting and returning CC material

Properly functioning (functional) CC containers and plates can be picked up and turned in at any location. Please make sure you can always show your identification and have the proper documents with you.

Royal FloraHolland CC container depots

CC container depots Container Centralen is the pool owner of all CC materials. We provide - for Container Centralen and according to their guidelines - the services in our CC container depots for this material. You can collect and return CC containers and plates at our depots. An overview of all Royal FloraHolland CC container depots can be found at the bottom of this page.

Rules collecting and returning CC materials

How do you return CC material?

You shorten your waiting time at our CC depot by submitting only correct CC material!
  • Stack the functional CC bases 10 units high, with the metal CC marking plate and yellow CC TAG6 label facing forward, uprights protruding at the back.
  • 30 CC shelves per CC container, from the bottom up, place a shelf in each hole of the upright. With the option of one so-called remainder trolley per lot;
  • Only one shelf may be loose - this means a maximum of one loose shelf placed on top;
  • Push the uprights into position - there are 4 uprights on every base;
  • Upon collection, Royal FloraHolland checks the presence of a metal CC marking plate and the authenticity of the yellow CC TAG6 label;
  • Damaged or otherwise defective CC containers, shelves and uprights (that are too short) are not accepted.
  • Please note: stacks/lots with both functional and non-functional CC containers will be refused in their entirety.

Check your CC material upon receipt

If you use our services, you are responsible for checking the CC material that you collect. In order to prevent later misunderstandings, we advise you to perform this check (or have it performed) before signing for the CC material. After receipt, you are deemed to have approved the quality of the CC material supplied to you. This also applies if someone else collects the material for you. A special procedure applies for the return of defective CC material. Defective CC material can be handed in or exchanged at a Container Centralen depot.

Defective CC material

Hand in defective CC bases, shelves and uprights at a Container Centralen depot. You will find these depots directly adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Royal FloraHolland CC depots at the Aalsmeer, Naaldwijk and Veiling Rhein-Maas locations.

Documents required for collection and issue

To pick up or return CC materials, bring the appropriate documents with you. Please read below in the table which ones they are:

IdentificationAdministration number

Identification'Old' packaging card AalsmeerPre-printed receipt booklet

