RFH photo for buyers | Royal FloraHolland skip_content_text

RFH photo for buyers

Increasing the reliability of product photos is crucial for a marketplace that is becoming increasingly computerised and international. A photo app was developed to improve the quality of product photos before and during the auction: RFH photo. The new photo app makes taking product photos easier and offers better quality product photos before and during auction.

A successful purchase starts with reliable, realistic product photos. More images per product and a higher resolution provides you with greater confidence. RFH photo gives you a better picture of the products presented at auction.

Make your purchase via KOA (Remote Buying) and use RFH photo on a second device to allow you to see the current or next product to be auctioned. See the photos taken with RFH photo in high resolution on the device of your choice: tablet, laptop or telephone. RFH photo allows you to look at the product photos on multiple auctions.

Make use of the freedom to select the different types of photo you want to see. You can already see the photos that growers take with RFH photo in high quality via FloraMondo. You can mark them in your auction preparation and in Auction Presales.

Start directly with RFH photo

  • Go to floriday.io and log in.
  • Go to Settings --> Apps and links --> Search for RFH photo --> Click on Add Application. You have now created a shortcut to RFH photo on your computer. This shortcut will appear every time you open the app store in Floriday. Once you have linked the app, you can also go straight to photo.floriday.io and log in with your Floriday account.
  • You can also create a shortcut on your smartphone. In this way, RFH photo will work almost like an app you would install yourself from Google Play or the Apple Store.
    • Android: Open photo.floriday.io in your (Chrome) browser - go to the browser settings under the 3 dashes and click on ‘Add (page) to your home screen’.
    • iOS: Open photo.floriday.io in Safari - tap the share icon in the navigation bar (square with upward pointing arrow) - scroll down to show the additional options and tap the option ‘Add to home screen’.
    • Don’t have a Floriday account yet? Create an account at www.floriday.io/en/sign-up

Instructions for buyers: video

Instruction leaflet for buyers

Buyer Hendrik Breetvelt: “The RFH photo app has become essential now”

The RFH photo app is a tool for growers as well as buyers. Growers can use the app to take their own high quality photos for the products that they will auction. And buyers can use those same photos when purchasing in order to get a really good image of the lots that will be auctioned.

Martien Röling, Product Owner at Royal FloraHolland, is working on the development of the RFH photo app and provides a brief explanation in the video on how the app works. “We notice that buyers need to have a real photo of the product every day, therefore not a catalogue photo. Growers can use the photo app to very quickly and easily provide an up-to-date photo every day, which buyers are able to use. The buyer can choose to see the entire cart in the photo or a detail of a product.”

The buyer can also install RFH photo on a second screen, in addition to his/her KOA (Remote Buying) screen. You can then set it so that the photo of the current lot and next lot will be displayed for each auction.

Hendrik Breetvelt, buyer at PPExport, has been using the app for some time. “We stopped physical auctions and yet I still want to see the products. Previously you sat in the auction room and had an overview of four auctions. With KOA (Remote Buying), there is one auction in which you can make purchases, but you have no idea what is happening in the other auctions. The photo app enables you to have an overview of four auctions. I am currently satisfied with how the app operates and how it works. Preferably I would be sitting there in the auction room with physical products. However, the app has really become indispensable to me.”

Questions about RFH photo?

See our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you can’t find the answer you need, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.