Insights for buyers | Royal FloraHolland

Insights for buyers

Insights for buyers provides you with more insight into your own purchases and into the pricing at Royal FloraHolland. This service is based on a Power BI Dashboard app, which can be used on every computer or smartphone. Insights for buyers is the successor to FloraneXt for buyers.

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Your benefits

  • A purchasing dashboard with all totals per purchasing channel, and a top 5 for products and growers.
  • All information on lots and products purchased by the buyer.
  • The average prices of products traded at Auction.
  • A comparison of your own purchasing price with the average Auction price for the same products.

What does it cost?

  • The service costs €87 per month, per buyer. Multiple colleagues within one company can use it.

Interactive Power BI Dashboard
Choose the overview you'd like to see and adjust the filters. All information is updated, almost in real time during the auction.

How does it work?

Insights for buyers comprises the following components:
  • Day Overview - displays a dashboard with the current auction day's purchase totals, including the top five overviews of products and groups purchased, top five growers, and a distribution for each purchase channel.
  • Own Info - All information on batches and products purchased based on average purchase price, total purchase price and numbers purchased.
  • Auction Info - Displays the average price of all products sold at Royal FloraHolland and optionally also numbers sold, in order to get a clear view on pricing.
  • Benchmark - Compares the buyer's purchase price for a specific product and group with the average price at Royal FloraHolland.
  • Trends - Compare the average purchase price, turnover and numbers per grower, product group or product over the last 3 years.
  • Sustainability - Get an overview of how sustainable you are already purchasing per certificate, grower or product group and how this has developed over the last few years.

You can register for the service through the following link:

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